I'm the girl, women, lady you don't wana mess with. Well as everyone and NO One is perfect in this world,so don't jugde me as if you're perfect coz u're NOT! Don't jugde people by his/her appearance and predict things that are not right about them especially ME. Everybody makes mistakes, we can only just forgive and forget. But most important is i've learned from my mistakes. :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Hello Readers ! :)

It's been so long i didn't update my dusty blog. I know. :) hehe Been so busy with work lately. So yea.

Lately, i've been under depression because I got ALOT of problem im facing now. :( But i think that's too personal for me to share it here. SORRY ! :)

Anyways, on last Sunday 12/06/2011 , I went to Hidayah's crib. Becauseeeeee, it's her Engagement Day! Awwwww, tenok die tunang kan. I pon nakkkk! hehe So yea, sorry babygirl pasal suruh you post i and ita nye invitation card. :( I felt so bad. No next time okay? heh
Yes, we did took some photos.
Here's are some of the photos we took that day. :)

Ni lar penggantin nye. Hahaha Ohh tak eh? :P
Penggantin having crazy shot. hahaha Bukan jugak eh ? HAHAH
Ni lar NANA dan NABIL ! (Radit dan Jani)
Ni lar pengantin of the day , Amat & Helia Hoshi :)
Harap-harap hingga ke jinjang pelamin. Amin.
This is Me and Ouh Cinta (Surita my soulsister)
Okay jemputan dabes. HAHAH! I got took some photo with Hidayah the penggantin but she haven't upload ley. :( So be right back yar! Toodles :)

♥ Nana Valentino