1st , I miss my bangs fringe . :(
Should I cut bangs back ?
Tapi nant bf cakap macam budak kecik . I nak nampak macam kakak2 . heheh !
And yes , I wana re-colour plus re-highlight my hair .
Emmm any suggestion on which colour to highlight and colour that suits me ?
2nd , I miss my dearest boyfie so countless much . hmmm :(
Can't wait for this Saturday . I'll be meeting him and go karaoke .
But it depends on me, cause i'm having running nose and sore throat . Ade jek nant nyanyi suare sengau . hahaha ! Please please please ! Cepat cepat Saturday .
& as for me , cepat cepat lar get well . :)
Shayang boyfie I ! :)
♥ Nana Valentino